Apple's next version of the iPhone, rumored to be the iPhone 5S, may feature a stylus technology similar to that of the S-Pen on the Samsung Galaxy Note 2, according to a newreport.

In addition, the same report hinted that the Apple stylus can function as a scanner device that can read product bar codes, act as a power-saving tool for the iPhone, as well as serve as its own unique password security creator for the device.
Of course, nobody knows for sure what exact features the next-generation iPhone models might have, but some new technologies and innovation could certainly help the company compete and stay ahead from its closest rival Samsung which is all set to reveal their newest flagship smartphone Sams
Apple is rumored to launch the purported iPhone 5S in June or July of this year. That being said, it appears like 2013 is yet another year that we're going to witness a battle of epic proportion between tech giants Apple and Samsung in the mobile market arena.
The real question is, which company do you think is going to dominate the smartphone and the tablet category in the year 2013? Is this going to be the year of the iOS or the year of the Android? Let the consumers take their pick .
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